Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Trump trials

Trump has lost his gag order appeal.

Michael Cohen got back on the stand to continue direct by prosecution.

Except it wasn't okay for Cohen.  He went to prison.


There are a number of posts essentially detailing the same thing: Trump's lawyer quoting disparaging remarks Cohen made about Trump.  I don't see how that's going to be a winner for the jury.  After a couple, they get the idea, no need to feed them insults they might find amusing.  (Like Captain von Shitzinpantz.)  Maybe he should have left the jury with the times he quoted Cohen praising Trump.

Or this exchange...

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson went to New York to attend the royal court, as well.

Well, it's meant to, but it very obviously doesn't.

I read speculation they'd probably call an expert on New York law to explain how Trump's hush money payments could become a criminal charge, but perhaps the prosecutors don't think that will be hard to get across.  Especially since there are two lawyers on the jury.

Set the tone - low.  Gonna guess that was not a jury pleaser, either.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 07:27 am:

They each want to be Trump's VP pick.  He loves making them perform before he dumps on them.

UPDATE 04:17 pm:

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