Monday, May 27, 2024

Jesus Christ - another one

“He does not reveal his cards, just keeps making me do things. And I cannot dial him directly to ask what’s next,” he said.

Maybe convert to Christianity. They make the claim that they're in direct conversation with the almighty.

Modi's followers are no different than any cult personality's (looking at you, Trump).
Modi has built up a well-established cult of personality within his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with many supporters unable to name other cabinet members or their local BJP candidate.
Yep.  Or likely have any clue about history or science.
The BJP has also actively promoted Hinduism, the majority faith, in every aspect of public life. At the inauguration of the temple in Ayodhya in January, it was Modi, rather than Hindu priests, who played the leading role in the rituals.


“The wily weaving of religion with politics for a country where faith is an inextricable part of everyday life is the BJP’s USP [unique selling point]. Mr Modi’s claim is the logical culmination of the BJP’s dominant theme,” the Indian newspaper The Telegraph wrote in an editorial.

Earlier this month, in a television interview in Varanasi, his constituency, Modi made another allusion to divinity. “When my mother was alive, I used to believe that I was born biologically. After she passed away, upon reflecting on all my experiences, I was convinced that God had sent me,” he said.
Sorry. Trump has that spot already taken.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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