Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Alito wasn't done

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 05/23/2024:

The only thing Roberts can do - and it's a very mild, perhaps pointless thing - is not assign decision writing to Alito.  He has no other power over the prick.  Roberts COULD retire and let Biden nominate another SCOTUS justice.  What do you think the odds of that are?
Although the substance of the Times’s reporting (and the Alitos’ behavior) is profoundly alarming, I was struck even more by Justice Alito’s first responses to that reporting—in a cryptic statement that he apparently provided to Kantor for the first story; and later in an interview he apparently agreed to give to Fox News’s Supreme Court correspondent, Shannon Bream. (Alito has not yet responded to yesterday’s story.) In addition to throwing his wife, Martha-Ann, under the bus, Alito’s responses (1) include justifications that can easily be (and have easily been) debunked; (2) reflect zero recognition that anyone could reasonably be troubled by that flag flying outside of his house; and (3) highlight a much larger problem with at least some of the justices’ behavior that isn’t limited to Alito: the dangerous (and growing) contemporary lack of any judicial humility.


[C]andor and reflection on the justices’ part might serve only to burnish the Court’s credibility among those who aren’t already sold on it (or who have totally given up). But instead of either not responding at all to these stories or showing even a scintilla of contrition, Justice Alito chose to piss on us and tell us it’s raining.

  Steve Vladeck
UPDATE 08:06 am:

So what are Dems going to do about it, Sheldon?

Oh, that's right. Nothing.

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