Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Trump speaks

Not well.
The former president spoke in New Jersey over the weekend, where he confused people with his comments about "O.J." and appeared to mistake Beijing for Taiwan.

  Raw Story
Face it. He's just plain ignorant.
"I've come here from New York, where I'm being forced to endure a Biden show trial, all done by Biden," he said before slurring his speech. He then returns to the script, saying, "All being done by him, carried out by radical Democrat district attorney."


@Acyn said on social media that Trump's "slurring is getting worse."

@JoJoFromJerz, trying to mimic what Trump accidentally said, wrote, "Carry-dite-bye-raye-sigh-en."

Former prosecutor Ron Filipkowski asked, "What language is this?"


@LiftForever67 added, "A slurring conman promising his followers money if they text him. You can't make this stuff up."

When I look at the rally clips these days (rarely, because I can't stand hearing or seeing him), I'm watching the crowd behind him. They're obviously there to be part of the show. They're not paying attention. They're not listening. They're in constant motion.
No presidential candidate in his right mind would say out loud for everyone to hear that he wants to establish for himself, in the words of Time magazine reporter Eric Cortellessa, “an imperial presidency.”

But that’s what he did. Over and over, in two long interviews with Cortellessa, published last week, the former president said he would turn the office of the president into something no one alive has seen.

Trump said, for instance, he would withhold funding for things he doesn’t like even if funding for those things had been approved by an act of Congress. To spell out its essence, this is what he’s saying:

“I would do the same thing I was impeached for the first time, and I would do it, as you can see from my saying this out loud for everyone to hear, with absolute impunity, not only for the rule of law and the Constitution but for the democratic institution that impeached me.”


Trump is like the rich man’s son who knows that Daddy will bail him out, no matter how much he fails.

Which is what he is.


[Now,] very obscenely rich men [...] are these days ponying up millions in anonymous contributions, as well as the whole of the Republican Party and the rightwing media apparatus. They will bail him out no matter what.


You’ll notice no one else is saying them quite like this. There’s a reason other Republicans are more circumspect. The consequence for saying such things is too high and they aren’t going to get bailed out like Trump.


He offered a shit sandwich in 2016 and got lucky. Just enough people in just enough places thought a shit sandwich was better than a female president. He offered it again in 2020, and he lost.


The most striking thing is that he’s running the same campaign he ran the last two times. That’s what happens when you’re prevented from feeling the consequences of your actions. History doesn’t matter.

History never happened.

Rather, it happened differently in his head.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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