Friday, May 10, 2024

TGIF, eh Donald?

Thing is, the judge would give instructions to the jury anyway that Trump can have any number of reasons for paying hush money. Campaign fraud doesn't have to be the ONLY reason.  I think this worry about Melania is a red herring any way you slice it.  If the defense is hoping to claim THAT's the only reason he paid off Daniels, that ship has sailed with the witnesses and exhibits already in evidence.

That didn't hold up well.

I should hope so.  Did Necheles know she was going to say that?  I have been reading what a sharp attorney she is.  Doesn't seem so sharp from court transcripts.

There were a couple of witnesses called to enter phone logs into the record.  And a couple paralegals to talk about Trump's social media use and phone records.

There seems to be some haggle over calling Weisselberg to witness.*

Which is telling Michael Cohen to STFU.  Trump's attorney wanted the judge to place a gag order on Cohen, but Merchan chose to tell the prosecution to relay the message.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 05/11/2024:

Sometimes I think it's all PR.  I don't know about Necheles' reputation, but Rudy Giuliani and Bill Barr both were reported to be such sterling characters, and everybody is scratching their heads about what on earth happened to them.  I think their reputations were unwarranted.  They were always the people we are seeing them to be.

*UPDATE 05/12/2024:

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