Thursday, May 9, 2024

Back on the stand

Trump's lawyer did battle again with Stormy Daniels.  Daniels doesn't let much get by her.  I wouldn't relish tangling with her.  Trump's lawyer kept framing the affair as a made-up story.  I don't think the jury is going to buy it, but I'm sure  client Trump is insisting on that frame.

Of course, Necheles knows the jury can't unhear that.

Not unusual for Trump, anyway.


Westerhaut is the woman who was fired after getting tipsy and spilling some personal stories about Trump's relationship with his daughters.

Trump asked to amend the gag order.

So Trump will be able to whine about not being allowed to defend himself, his first amendment rights are being taken away, etc.  That's good for grifting purposes.

Trump's latest motion for a mistrial was then discussed.

I wouldn't have thought so.

Well, it is now that he's said that, I guess.  But the jury isn't present for this.

Michael Cohen tomorrow?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 05/10/2024:

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