Thursday, May 16, 2024

Michael Cohen cross today

Well, he already did that with "Captain von Shitzinpantz."

Another setup for ineffective counsel?

And maybe Blanche for going down that road.

He doesn't say, but I hope McBrien reported it.

For  his client, I suppose, as it can't be making points with the jury.

Still not saying whether Trump will testify.

So...Monday it is.  Enjoy your long weekend.  Donald is supposed to go to his son's graduation tomorrow.  It'll be the first one of his kids to get the privilege.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 07:09 pm:
Jurors were largely paying attention during the testimony, their heads moving back and forth between Cohen and Blanche as they each spoke. But as the proceedings dragged on, some jurors seemed to lose focus at moments, staring toward the gallery and taking fewer notes. A few rubbed their eyes.

  The Hill
Not a good sign for Trump.

UPDATE 05/17/2024:

UPDATE 05/20/2024:

UPDATE 05/22/2024:

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