Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Stormy's day in court

The orange one didn't want his "mushroom" shaped penis described on the record.

In her book, "Full Disclosure," Daniels had written that: "I lay there, annoyed that I was getting f---ed by a guy with Yeti pubes and a d--k like the mushroom character in 'Mario Kart'."


When Kimmel suggested that Daniels had "made love" with Trump, she argued back. "Gross! What is wrong with you? I laid there and prayed for death."

When he asked why she would have sex with someone that she was so "grossed out by," she answered: "I still don't know."

  Business Insider

Eric Trump apparently drew the short straw, as, since reports kept mentioning that no family was there to support Trump, Eric has attended court.

Cross examination...

How would that get her out of paying what she owes him?

Well, to be fair, this whole sordid affair is peopled with immature, publicity-seeking, self-serving asshats: Trump, Cohen, Pecker, Daniels - all of them.

Ha.  Wait 'til Michael Cohen takes the stand.

They may have held back on objections hoping to draw a mistrial.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

PS.  Still to come...

UPDATE 06:13 pm:

UPDATE 05/08/2024:

He won't be thrown into Riker's, but maybe this announcement will scare him into silence.

So presidential.

I learned today that the judge can impose a jail sentence but defer it until after the trial so that inevitable appeals of the sentence would not delay the trial proceedings.

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