Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Utterly disgusting

President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested boycotting CNN after it announced it would not be attending the White House Christmas Party.

"Great, and we should boycott Fake News CNN. Dealing with them is a total waste of time!" the president wrote online in a retweet of Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders' tweet praising CNN's decision to not attend the White House Christmas Party.

CNN said Tuesday that the network will not be attending the party, adding that "in light of the President's continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests."

The event, which is seen as a time for reporters to mingle with administration officials, is scheduled for Friday at 2 p.m.

Following the announcement, Sanders tweeted: "Christmas comes early! Finally, good news from @CNN.”

Jesus these people are disgusting. Unfit for office.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


It's not a "mean kids" rivalry. It's just mean kids on one side of the deal. Trump and Huckabee-Sanders are the meanest of the mean. I'm sure you knew some of them in middle or high school. And now they're running the country. I mean, ruining.

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