Monday, April 30, 2018

White House Press is exactly that

Apparently, they're not really journalists.

Trump, who is too chicken to attend a White House Correspondents dinner after being roasted by President Obama at one, tweeted orders:

Perhaps the dinner should be canned, or just called what it is: a chance for politicians and journalists to glamorize themselves and schmooze.  (The "filthy" comedian made some remarks about grabbing pussy.  How shameful!)

Chastised and promptly submissive, Margaret Talev, head of the WHCA who booked comedian Michelle Wolf (who was, admittedly, harsh) without knowing anything about her and seemed to defend her on CNN, issued this statement:

"Hearing from members on your views on the format of the dinner going forward."  Is Trump a member?  Apparently, an honorary one.

Trump responded:

So, next year, I suppose they'll just get some Ronny Jackson suck-up types to stand up and praise themselves (which they always do) and Dear Leader.

Without an adversarial press, and journalists who tell the truth about your leaders, you don't have a democracy.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

"There were no administration officials there last year, and this year it was nice to sit next to them, and at every table there were reporters chatting with administration officials.  It was nice.  So over time, I think we've seen progress." 
Eliana Johnson - Politico



You get the picture.


I will except CNN's Jim Acosta, who is constantly undermined by Sarah Sanders and the White House apologists, in my criticism of White House correspondents.

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