Friday, April 27, 2018

Dr. Jackson keeps his job

The White House medical unit frequently functioned as a "grab and go" clinic where mid-level staffers to the most senior officials could obtain prescription drugs without being examined by a doctor, casually pick up the powerful sleeping aid Ambien even for their children, and get drugs that were not prescribed to the person actually taking the medication.

These examples, described to CNN by five of the medical unit's former and current employees and which appear to represent the more problematic practices there, were endorsed by Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, a doctor.

Jackson withdrew his nomination to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs Thursday morning in response to an avalanche of allegations of questionable behavior. But the 50-year-old US Navy rear admiral remains President Donald Trump's physician and the head of an office that treats the first family, Vice President Mike Pence, members of the Trump Cabinet and other senior government officials.

Hey, everybody does it.
Some former Obama administration officials are defending Jackson, saying they were only given sleeping aids after being asked routine medical questions. He would ask staffers how long they wanted to sleep and whether they had to get any work done on the flight, before offering drugs ranging from Ambien to non-prescription drugs like melatonin.
LOL. Those are NOT routine medical questions in anybody's definition of the term.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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