Monday, November 20, 2017

Of COURSE he's under investigation

Renato Mariotti is running for state Attorney General out of Chicago. He still takes the time to answer people's Twitter questions about the Mueller investigation. I don't understand why people are still asking him this question. Of course Trump is under investigation, if only on the obstruction of justice issue. But that's not the only reason to assume he's personally under investigation. The investigations and indictments of Manafort and Gates are all about money laundering. There's no doubt that issue has involved investigating Trump.  And the investigations of Junior and Kushner must also be asking whether The Most Notable Loser was personally involved in getting help from Russian operatives.

If Trump thinks he's not under investigation - a claim he quit making after the special prosecutor was announced - he's deluded and ill-advised by his own counsel. Both of those things may be true, but I imagine at this point he knows full well.

And personally, I don't think proving Trump had "corrupt intent" when firing Comey should be that difficult.  After all, he pretty much said so in a televised interview.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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