Monday, November 20, 2017

Hope-fully nearing the end of Mueller's investigation

Mueller’s decision to request an interview with [Trump senior staffer Hope] Hicks — who hasn’t been named in any criminal wrongdoing — also indicates he’s reached a critical point in the overall investigation, according to former prosecutors and veterans of past White House investigations. Typically, conversations with such senior-level aides are saved for near the end of a probe.


People who know Hicks, 29, say she’s been preparing for months for her sit-down with Mueller’s prosecutors. She’s hired as her attorney Robert Trout, a former assistant U.S. attorney and co-founder of a white-collar law firm that has represented other high-profile people mired in Washington scandals, including President Richard Nixon’s Attorney General John Mitchell during Watergate, Fawn Hall during Iran-Contra and President Bill Clinton’s paramour Monica Lewinsky.


But the potential for her to be tripped up by investigators looms large given the complexity of the Russia probe and the sheer amount of time Hicks has spent by Trump’s side.

“It’s not going to be easy,” said a former Clinton White House aide who was questioned under oath during one of the many independent-counsel investigations that shadowed that Democratic administration. “It’s more of a root canal than a checkup.”


“Anytime you can get someone who is the right-hand person or who’s been around the primary target of an investigation, under oath, answering detailed questions, means you’ve progressed very far along in the investigation,” said Adam Goldberg, a former Clinton White House lawyer.

White House attorney Ty Cobb wouldn’t say specifically when Hicks planned to appear before Mueller’s team, though he did say he was “bullish” that all current White House aides, including Hicks, will have completed interviews with the special counsel “shortly after Thanksgiving.”

All I want for Christmas is the incarceration of the Trump cabal.

P.S. Just a little side note about the total scam that Trump's presidency is:
[Hicks] is listed as the point of contact [in October 214] on a news release announcing a new reservation system for the under-construction Trump hotel in Washington that would let people buy the right to book a room “should their chosen candidate become the next President of the United States.”
Buy the right to book a room? Jesus Christ, these people.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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