Sunday, June 17, 2018

Susan Collins should go down in infamy with the rest of her party

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said that the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy of prosecuting immigrants and separating families at the U.S-Mexico border is "traumatizing" children and "contrary to our values in this country."

"What the administration has decided to do is to separate children from their parents to try to send a message that if you cross the border with children, your children are going to be ripped away from you. That's traumatizing to the children who are innocent victims, and it is contrary to our values in this country," Collins told "Face the Nation" on Sunday.


Collins said she supports the president's efforts to bolster border security, but said, "We know from years of experience that we need to fix our immigration laws and that using children is not the answer."


"From the experience of previous administrations, it does not act as a deterrent to use children in this fashion," she said. Collins added "it is inconsistent with our American values to separate these children from their parents unless there's evidence of abuse or another very good reason."

  CBS News

So what's the problem?

That's cold soup compared to what she said on the TV.
Then, [...] during an appearance Sunday on CBS’ Face the Nation [...] Collins declined to support a bipartisan effort to end the cruel practice, and even suggested that Trump’s border wall be included in any immigration solution:

  Think Progress
In fact when asked what she was doing to "stop" the practice of separating families, she said the bill in question was too broad and proceeded to talk about the DACA proposals and "immigration reform" that failed to come to fruition in the past. Hmmmmmm. You mean, Senator Collins, your answer is "nothing"? (Video clip here.)

If taking children from their parents is "traumatizing", doesn't act as a deterrent, and "using children is not the answer," then why is she not doing anything to stop it? She's trying to play Trump's game that they think this is awful, but it's the Democrats who are at fault.

The GOP: Party above country; Party above decency; Party above humanity. Heil GOP!

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