Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Harris on the go

The place is packed.

If that were Trump, he'd be saying there were 100,000.  And many more waiting outside who couldn't get in.

If true, sounds like Josh Shapiro.  Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota has been getting a lot of play, making it seem like he's the odds on favorite.

Seems like a weird rule.

Did anyone even try?

Any GOP complaints about Harris' border bona fides is going to hit the wall.

Mitch said the same thing.
“This week Senator McConnell explicitly said why the toughest, fairest bipartisan border legislation in modern American history is stalled: ‘our nominee for president did not seem to want us to do anything at all,’” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in an email Thursday.


(A lot of these images are showing up playing on Trump's fear of sharks.)

Oh my sweet baby Jesus, he says he "heard the scientists say" that.  They have completely lost their minds.

It would be a lot cheaper than surgery.

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