Thursday, July 4, 2024

Project 2025: Creating Gilead in America

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 07:11 am:

Israel will not stop

Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades, a settlement tracking group said Wednesday, a move that is likely to worsen already soaring tensions linked to the war in Gaza.


Settlement monitors said the land grab connects Israeli settlements along a key corridor bordering Jordan, a move they said undermines the prospect of a contiguous Palestinian state.


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a settler himself, has turbocharged the policy of expansion, seizing new authorities over settlement development and saying he aims to solidify Israel’s hold on the territory and prevent the creation of a Palestinian state.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Biden statement

The first part was never in doubt.  The last part....not so much.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 09:30 pm:

If there was nothing to be worried about, they wouldn't have needed to do that.

UPDATE 07/04/2024:

It was an end of May interview.  

One small step

Surely he's been loyal enough to Trump that he'll get a place in the cabinet.  But, he shouldn't bet his life on it.  Trump loyalty is famously only to his wallet.

The mob he incites leads him

Trump also reposted a post calling for the imprisonment of Democratic and Republican party leaders, including President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Vice President Mike Pence.

How's Mitch feeling now?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

No surprise here

In case you wondered why Trump said he wouldn't unseal Epstein records.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

With Trump in the Oval, count on it

Also, it's not even a crime if they pay him after he does it.  That would be a "gratuity".  Although they might have to reduce the amount.  So, never mind.  Trump would go with the bribe.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

Trump trial hearings on the docket soon

We vehemently disagree with the majority decision to extend any immunity to aspects of Trump’s 2020 election interference. But the court’s opinion also makes clear that this ruling is not a death knell for Smith’s case.

[T]he opinion calls on District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan to initiate the next best thing: an evidentiary hearing — a kind of mini-trial — that will thoroughly ventilate the facts in this case. She should do so quickly.
And I expect she will.
The trial, which was originally scheduled to begin on March 4, has instead been stayed since December 2023. That is when Trump appealed an order refusing to dismiss the case on immunity grounds — and the Supreme Court first declined to review the case, beginning its unconscionable slow-roll that finally ended almost seven months later with this new decision.


In Nixon v. Fitzgerald, the Supreme Court held that a president enjoyed civil immunity for all “official acts.” Now, in Trump v. United States, the court grappled with which “official” acts should also receive criminal immunity.
Which on its face is insane. Criminal immunity. WTF? Why have laws at all?
Given that ruling, the next logical question is: Which of the alleged actions taken by Trump, charged in the indictment, are protected official acts and which aren’t?

First, the court has ruled that all of the allegations concerning Trump’s interactions with the Justice Department — and his attempt to get them to interfere in the election — were official. Therefore, all of that conduct is protected by immunity and cannot be presented at trial.

But the court also held that there are two allegations for which Trump has presumptive immunity, yet this presumption can be overcome: the allegations surrounding his interactions with former Vice President Mike Pence, and his public communications. However, the court did not specify what it would take for that presumption to be overcome. Again, that is for resolution by Chutkan in the mini-trial.
Finally, the court stated that there is one category of alleged conduct that requires a “fact-specific analysis of the indictment’s extensive and interrelated allegations”: all of Trump’s interactions with “persons outside the Executive Branch,” including state officials and private parties. More grist for Chutkan’s courtroom.


The Supreme Court has explicitly directed Chutkan to determine whether Trump’s interactions with state officials and private parties were official — and left open the door for her to hold hearings over allegations that involved Pence, too. Chutkan can give both parties the opportunity to develop facts supporting their competing positions and then make her ruling on immunity, ensuring that Trump continues to receive due process throughout.
And I presume that will be appealable. So, justice delayed, folks.
Beyond the procedural considerations, the mini-trial would also serve a vital function for the public — allowing voters to learn more details about Trump’s alleged election interference.
And just who will be paying attention?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

Gilead, here we come

As the Kansas News Service reports, starting today, abortion providers are supposed to be required to ask patients which of 11 possible reasons is most relevant to their decision to get an abortion. Possible reasons include that the patient cannot financially afford a child or that the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.

But also today, a Planned Parenthood spokesperson said that the Kansas health department “has stated that it will not enforce this intrusive law, for now” and a health department spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Kansas News Service.

The question is optional — the law states that if someone refuses to answer, their refusal will be recorded. But lawmakers voted down a proposed amendment that would have clarified to patients that the question is optional.


...but hey, do what you will anyway.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Experts wanted?

Who's listening?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

Surprise, surprise

And he wasn't yet president when he committed those crimes.  But he'll get the delay while it works its way up to "his judges".

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 07/02/2024:

Biden addresses the nation at a time of peril

Biden's address on the Supreme Court's decision ending our basic foundation in the rule of law was weak sauce indeed.

And a whole 5 minutes.

And, apparently he doesn't think the American public deserves any explanation of that debate. We're being treated like Republican voters - gaslight 'em.

And, speaking of Republicans - not just Trump, but any future president - particularly Republicans, of course - will do anything they want.  The law will not be a deterrence.  Nixon is in Hell asking for a do-over.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

King it is

In Hell, Nixon is demanding a do over.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 06:25 pm:

UPDATE 08:05 pm:  A clear explainer of what the ruling says and how it affects Jack Smith's case.

UPDATE 07/02/2024:

If we'd had voting reform, we wouldn't need court reform so badly

Also Elie...

They're not done yet

Clarence Thomas (he of the $4million bribe wallet) gave an instruction to Aileen Cannon - and MAGA attorneys - to send him a special counsel case to rule on in order to remove Jack Smith, even though lower courts have already decided in the past.
And this is why he calls them "my judges"...

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

Supreme Court tearing it all down

Back in the Supreme Court for the last day of this term's decisions. American Democracy is in its death throes.

Remanded.  In other words, as conservative courts now seem to be doing regularly, they're telling people bringing these cases to couch them in better terms so the courts can rule the way they want to with less complaint.

And, lastly...

This is what some people were expecting.  And unless Judge Chutkan can get trial going pronto, they've already granted Trump immunity for unofficial acts as well in his case by delaying this answer until now.  And Chutkan in all likelihood won't be able to, because now they have to argue about what acts of his were official and what were not.  One of them is definitely plowed under...

And, positively would not feel constrained if that president is named Donald Trump.

Well, it WOULD BE shocking from any past SCOTUS.

Not to mention, the framers didn't intend for an independent executive.  They gave us a Congress.  That has been an absolute POS in recent years.

UPDATE 07/03/2024: