Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Selection of a new House Speaker is underway


Gonna be another circus anyway.  If the Republicans split between Scalise and Jordan, does that mean Jeffries might actually be the next Speaker?

UPDATE 08:31 am:

UPDATE 02:05 pm:
In private balloting at the Capitol, House Republicans narrowly pushed aside Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the firebrand Judiciary Committee chairman, in favor of Scalise, the current majority leader. The Louisiana congressman, who is battling blood cancer, is seen as a hero to some after surviving a mass shooting on lawmakers at a congressional baseball game practice in 2017.


A floor vote of the whole House could come as soon, but tensions are still running high among Republicans who have brought the House to a standstill with bitter infighting after McCarthy’s historic removal last week. Wednesday’s planned voting was uncertain.

  Boston Herald
This will be fun.

UPDATE 05:47 pm:

UPDATE 10/12/2023:

UPDATE 10/12/2023 09:07 pm:

Now what?

But they will, Mehdi.  They will.

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