Sunday, February 24, 2019

The emperor has no clothes

I often find myself shaking my head in wonder at why people keep talking to Trump as though he isn't a dangerous personality, as if he isn't completely unhinged. People who interview him and act seriously like they don't realize his answers are batshit. News sources report on what he's doing and saying as if it's making some sense.  They argue whether his ideas are good or bad, but they never say the obvious:  he makes no fucking sense.  He's an incurious, temper-throwing toddler who knows nothing and cares about nothing but his own physical senses trying to make the world behave to gratify himself.

Mehdi Hasan discusses the seriousness of this with a psychiatrist and a Trump biographer on his latest podcast:

I had never heard that clip of Trump and the mosquito before.  That may be the most bizarre thing I've ever heard from anyone in public speaking, but then I don't watch his rallies.  I'm afraid to.  I wonder that it wasn't something viral.  Maybe it was and I missed it.  It was back in his campaigning days, and I was paying a lot less attention then.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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