Friday, February 22, 2019

I want to believe

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) approval rating is underwater in Kentucky ahead of his reelection race next year, according to a new Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey released Thursday.

  The Hill
Hallelujah! Now let me check my handy-dandy 538 pollster guide (always linked in the sidebar): PPP has a grade of B. In 411 polls researched, they had 80% races called correctly. Not perfect, but pretty good.
About 33 percent of registered Kentucky voters polled approve of the job McConnell is doing, while 56 percent disapprove and 11 percent are unsure. Additionally, 32 percent think McConnell “deserves to be reelected,” and 61 percent think it’s “time for someone new.”
The PPP poll was conducted on behalf of the Ditch Mitch Fund, an advocacy group that opposes McConnell.


Despite low approval ratings, McConnell holds a razor-thin lead against a generic Democratic opponent.
WTF? Get a Republican opponent for a primary challenge. He can't even be allowed to run.
Exactly half of the people surveyed in the PPP poll said they supported McConnell in 2014.
See? We need to get to all the people who supported him.
McConnell consistently polls poorly but has been serving in the Senate since 1985. Morning Consult found last month that the Kentucky Republican was the third most unpopular senator in the country, with 47 percent of Kentuckians disapproving with his job performance. He was only more popular than Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), who retired, and Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who was voted out of office.
Republican voters need to start leaning on the RNC, which is apparently the only thing keeping McConnell in office, but they won't.
The Senate leader’s approval rating nationally is also underwater, with a Hill–HarrisX poll showing last month that 40 percent of Americans view McConnell unfavorably, while 28 percent have a favorable view.

The PPP poll surveyed 748 registered Kentucky voters from Feb. 11 to 12 and has a margin of error of 3.6 percentage points.
Hill and Harris polls have ratings of B and C+, respectively, at 538.

Of course The Hill doesn't provide a link to the Ditch Mitch Fund, but I found it through an address on the PPP poll.

Knock your lights out.  Or, rather, knock Mitch's lights out.  I'm going to go back into all my posts where I've said "Ditch Mitch" and put this link on it.

As of today, they've raised $300,000 from 11,000 donors.

Ditch Mitch!

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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