Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hicks testimony

White House communications director Hope Hicks spent nine hours testifying Tuesday behind closed doors before the House Intelligence Committee, a month after her initial appearance was abruptly postponed. Like at least two other witnesses before her -- including former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon -- Hicks initially relegated her testimony solely to events that took place during the campaign and refused to answer questions related to the transition or her time in the White House.

Later in the afternoon, after it was revealed she had addressed some transition matters in an earlier, separate interview with the Senate Intelligence Committee, Hicks slightly broadened her testimony to answer "some" questions related to the transition, members said.


[Adam Schiff] said the minority moved, as it did in Bannon's case, to subpoena some of Hicks' testimony "on the spot," but that the majority declined to do so.

Earlier in the day, Rep. Denny Heck, D-Washington, summed up the testimony in three words: "We got Bannoned."

As always, this investigation is an incredible waste of time and money.
A source familiar with Hicks' testimony tells CBS News she did answer a question about whether she had ever lied for Mr. Trump by saying she has told "white lies" for him at times.
How does she define "white lies"? Saying the infamous Junior meeting in Trump Tower was about adoptions and help to formulate his response offering that excuse?

 ...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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