Friday, January 26, 2018

Still a racist

President Trump on Friday said he is willing to apologize for retweeting videos from the leader of the U.K.'s far-right political group Britain First in November, but stopped short of actually apologizing.


Members of the U.K. government expressed outrage in November after Trump retweeted the videos, which claimed to show Muslims engaging in violent acts but have not been independently authenticated.


"Here's what's fair. If you're telling me these are horrible people, horrible racist people, I would certainly apologize, if you'd like me to do that. I know nothing about them," Trump told ITV's Piers Morgan on "Good Morning Britain."

  The Hill
He knows nothing about them except that he supported their videos.
"I know nothing about these people," Trump said, referring to the right-wing group. “I am often the least racist person that anybody is going to meet.”
He's even backed down from his least racist person claims to "often" least racist.

Just wait until he's no longer president. He'll be free to be openly racist.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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