Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Obstruction case fodder

Shortly after President Trump fired his FBI director in May, he summoned to the Oval Office the bureau’s acting director for a get-to-know-you meeting.

The two men exchanged pleasantries, but before long, Trump, according to several current and former U.S. officials, asked Andrew McCabe a pointed question: Whom did he vote for in the 2016 election?

McCabe said he didn't vote, but Trump wasn't satisfied since McCabe's wife, a Democrat, had been given a campaign donation for her failed bid to the Virginia Senate in 2015 by someone close to the Clintons.

As we know, Trump eventually appointed Christopher Wray to head the FBI and tried to pressure him into firing McCabe. His desire to know McCabe's voting preference only adds more fodder for Mueller's obstruction case, particularly since it came on the heels of him firing Comey for refusing to kill the Russia probe, having asked Comey for a loyalty oath.

As for McCabe, he's expected to retire in March.
But critics have questioned why he went on to oversee two critical cases related to Clinton: a probe into her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state and an investigation into donations made to the Clinton Foundation. At the end of October 2016, as the presidential election neared and the FBI faced intense public scrutiny over McCabe’s role, he recused himself from the Clinton probes.

McCabe’s conduct is now the subject of an investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general, and a report is expected in the spring.


A year into his presidency, it is clear that Trump still harbors a deep dislike of McCabe. Another White House official said Trump frequently complained about the FBI official, labeling him a Democrat. Over the past seven months or so, Trump has tweeted criticisms of McCabe, erroneously saying McCabe headed the Clinton investigation while his wife was taking Clinton money for her state Senate campaign.
...but hey, do what you will anyway.


Click here for a good background on McCabe.

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