Thursday, November 16, 2017

The ultimate own

thinks that the Saudis are going to pull the rug out from under the petrol dollar. Wouldn't that be a fine surprise to The Most Notable Loser?
[E]conomist Brandon Smith [...] is sure Riyadh is planning to ditch the dollar.

“I believe the next phase of the global economic reset will begin in part with the breaking of petrodollar dominance. An important element of my analysis on the strategic shift away from the petrodollar has been the symbiosis between the US and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has been the single most important key to the dollar remaining as the petrocurrency from the very beginning,” Smith wrote in an article for his website

“Prince Mohammed has also established much deeper ties to Russia and China, creating bilateral agreements which may end up removing the dollar as the mechanism for oil trade between the nations,” Smith added.


When the petrodollar is dumped in favor of another country's currency, we will be well and truly fucked.  Because we didn't take seriously the unsustainability of reliance on oil decades ago when we knew we needed to.

Owned by the orb.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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