Monday, November 20, 2017

Goldstone speaks

Word has it that "fugitive" Rob Goldstone (the man who set up the infamous Junior meeting in Trump Tower] will be coming to the US to talk with Mueller's investigators. Apparently, he'd like to get something out in the court of public opinion first.
Rob Goldstone, the music publicist who helped arrange the June, 2016 Trump Tower meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian lawyer and lobbyist has broken his silence in an interview with Philip Sherwell in the Sunday Times of London.


"First of all, if Russian intelligence had used me in some way, as people perceive, but which I don't believe, then they'll know I don't know anything. If Russian intelligence hasn't used me, but are intelligent, they will equally know I don't know anything and this is all nonsense."


He says client Emin Agalarov, a Russian singer and the son of an oligarch, called him wanting him to arrange the meeting. He "puffed up" the language Agalarov gave him and sent it in a message to Trump Jr.


"I could have said that the Russian attorney believes she found a black hole, or believes Santa is real, it didn't really matter. So when he replied, 'If it's what you say it is, I love it,' I just thought my teaser had worked."


"I remember specifically saying to Emin, you know, we probably shouldn't get involved in this. It's politics, it's Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Neither of us have any experience in this world."

Trying to help cover Agalarov's ass, too?
"So when people ask why some music publicist was involved in all this, well, I was always the conduit, the Mr Go-To, between the Agalarovs and the Trumps."
That might be an admission I wouldn't have made.
"I believe [Trump Jr.] acted like a son and not like someone who was versed in the world of politics. The campaign chairman, Manafort, was sitting there, so shouldn't he have said to him, 'We can't have this meeting'? Should Don Jr have sent this over to the FBI when I sent the email? And should they have said to me, 'Who is this woman and what did she know?' Yes, probably.
Not "probably". Instead, they convened a group of a dozen or more people to get the dirt they thought was coming.
So, you know what, I think he has already apologized. And I can apologize in some way for having sent the email in the first place.
Apologies don't usually prevent the law from taking action.  Or is he talking about apologizing to Trump Sr?
"I can't comment about the contents of the Steele dossier, but I can tell you that there were only a few hours during a very busy schedule when Trump was back in his room at the Ritz-Carlton," Goldstone, who was with Trump for most of the trip, says.
I don't imagine it takes long for prostitutes to pee on a bed.
Goldstone says he is writing a book. The title: "Useful Idiot: How an Email Trumped My Life".
Everybody gets paid, one way or another.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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