Sunday, November 19, 2017

Earth to Mnuchin

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin explained Sunday why he and his wife, Louise Linton, struck a villainous pose with a sheet of dollar bills: He didn’t think the pictures would be public.

“I didn’t realize that the pictures were public and going on the internet and viral,” Mnuchin told host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.” “But people have the right to do that. People can express what they want. That’s the great thing about social media today. People can say and communicate what they want.”


“Some folks — and I’m looking at the picture here, which you can’t see — say that you two look like two villains from a James Bond movie,” Wallace said. “I’m sure you’ve heard that. I guess my question is: What were you thinking?”

Villainous? I didn't see it as villainous. I saw it as Monopoly man rich posers.

He didn't realize the pictures were public. Why did they pose for them? Were they planning on having one framed for their front parlor?
“I guess I should take that as a compliment that I look like a villain in a great, successful James Bond movie. But let me just say, I was very excited of having my signature on the money,” he added. “It’s obviously a great privilege and a great honor and something I’m very proud of.”
God. Even worse.
The new bills are expected to go into circulation next month. Mnuchin’s signature, however, will appear differently than those of past Treasury secretaries because his is printed, while his predecessors signed their names.

Mnuchin said he changed his signature because it was “very, very messy” and “barely” legible.

“It was very effective at signing things, but I felt since it was gonna be on the dollar bill forever, I should have a nice, clean signature,” he said.
And worse. He wanted to make sure everyone could read it.

According to the story, he invited his wife to join him in the picture. Yes, you remember the wife. These people are utterly disgusting.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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