Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Horror

I'm getting pretty tired of the government co-opting American citizens for propaganda. Things are bad enough without the exaggerations and lies.
Lakshmi Sammarco, a coroner in Warmbier’s home state of Ohio, said the 22-year-old [Otto Warmbier], who had been sentenced to 15 years’ hard labour while visiting North Korea, had died from a lack of oxygen and blood to the brain but could not explain what caused his neurological condition.


“We don’t know what happened to him, and this is the bottom line,” Sammarco said, adding that the cause of the death may never be known.

Oh, no. We KNOW. Trump and Warmbier's family has told us he was tortured - "beyond belief", according to Trump, and, according to his parents, his bottom teeth had been "rearranged" by pliers.
Sammarco, who examined Warmbier’s body after his death in June, said there was no clear evidence of physical torture – including no recently broken bones or damaged teeth.


Warmbier died in Cincinnati in June, less than a week after he was flown back to the US in a state of “unresponsive wakefulness”.


Warmbier’s body displayed a few small scars, all but one of which could be traced to medical instruments, she said, adding that the Warmbiers’ TV interviews had prompted her to publicly reveal her findings.

“They’re grieving parents. I can’t really make comments on their perceptions,” she added.


Warmbier’s parents had refused to allow an autopsy to be carried out.

Sammarco said she had conducted a “virtual autopsy” using extensive medical scanning and imaging, adding that a regular autopsy would have been of little use so long after Warmbier suffered brain damage.

She said that his body was in surprisingly good condition for someone who had reportedly been bedridden for more than a year. Her office’s report said his body appeared “well-nourished”.
I'm sorry for the Warmbiers, and for Otto himself, but what in the name of all that's sane was he doing Trying to steal something in North Korea, of all places?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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