Saturday, September 30, 2017

Every Time You Think He Can't Get Any Lower...

Can I get an Amen?

Who's being nasty?  Disgusting Pig.

"Just a few days ago" he was taking a bow for praise by Mayor Cruz, without acknowledging the dire circumstances.

And he never mentioned the fact that Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke characterized the hurricane relief efforts as "a good-news story" with which she is very satisfied.

I guess the Big Ass just heard Mayor Cruz's response.
“Well, maybe from where she's standing, it's a good-news story. When you’re drinking from a creek, it's not a good-news story. When you don't have food for a baby, it's not a good-news story,” Cruz told CNN’s “New Day,” referring to the plight of Puerto Ricans, many of whom have received little or no aid thus far. “When you have to pull people down from their buildings — I'm sorry, but that really upsets me and frustrates me. You know, I would ask her to come down here and visit the towns, and then make a statement like that, which frankly, it is an irresponsible statement.

“Damn it, this is not a good-news story. This is a people-are-dying story. This is a life-or-death story. This is a 'there's-a-truck-load-of-stuff-that-cannot-be-taken-to-people story.' This is a story of a devastation that continues to worsen because people are not getting food and water,” she continued. “It is not a good-news story when people are dying, when they don't have dialysis, when their generators aren't working and their oxygen isn’t providing for them. Where is there good news here? ... I’m really sorry, but you know when you have people out there dying, literally, scraping for food, where is the good news?”


The mayor said San Juan had received three pallets of water — slightly more than 4,000 bottles for a population of roughly 350,000 people — as well as four pallets of food and 12 pallets of baby food and supplies.

The situation in other parts of the island are even more dire, Cruz said, relaying her interaction with another Puerto Rican mayor, who said his residents had no food, no medicine, had not yet received any aid and were drinking from the same creek they were using to wash themselves and their clothes.


Cruz was clear that she remains appreciative of the federal government teams that have arrived on the island to help but that those teams have thus far been insufficient to overcome the logistical hurdles presented by the island.

The Big Ass can't imagine what it must be like for Mayor Cruz in her circumstances. He only senses when someone has said something he considers personally offensive.

Unlike the people of Puerto Rico, who are sitting around waiting for somebody else to do everything for them.

Despicable dickhead.

Says the loathsome prick who had to be shamed a week later into waiving the Jones Act (that was immediately waived for Texas and Florida) that kept the island from getting desperately needed help from any source.

And, in case you weren't following, here's the story on how Despicable Don responded to the devastation of Puerto Rico - or, rather, didn't.  Lost Weekend.

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