Sunday, September 24, 2017

Dolt 45's Dangerous Ignorance

Unless you WANT Iran to develop the bomb.

Not really necessary. It's a given.

On that I would agree, but maybe not in the case of Iran. Iran has stated that if all the other countries in the agreement remain and only the US pulls out of the treaty, it will still honor the agreement. So, we'd essentially just be the fool everyone now knows we are, only globally shunned.  Still dangerous, though.

UPDATE 9/25:

Speaking of fool (and I'm including all of us in this country):

Did he see it on Fox?  Where was everybody else when he tweeted this?  I saw several responses saying the Iran agreement doesn't include missile launches, but I never saw any that said the launch didn't actually even happen.

Want to bet we don't see a correction tweet from the Twit in Chief?

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