Monday, September 25, 2017

A Prisoner in His Own Warped Mind

I thought you didn't watch CNN.

But, what are we to make of this...

Does he not realize he is president of the country and capable of ordering help to Puerto Rico?  Does he not realize Puerto Rico is America's responsibility?  What does he mean Texas and Florida are doing great?  They're both grappling with devastation from the hurricanes.

There appears to be more to this apparently just learned information about Puerto Rico yet to come, but I'm not willing to wait up for it.

Total numbskull.  Dotard indeed.

UPDATE 9/26 from TPM:

President Trump broke his silence on Puerto Rico by essentially blaming Puerto Rico for its misfortunes and saying, in so many words, that as bad as things are now, the territory was a wreck to start with.


Indeed. His dickishness knows no bounds.

Read this thread to get an idea what Puerto Rico has been dealing with prior to the hurricane.  Hint:  imposition of austerity that has destroyed Latin American and European countries.  And this YWA post from June.


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