Sunday, June 9, 2024

Executive order on the border

Today, the Biden Administration has announced that it is taking significant executive action to secure the southern border. The new executive action invokes authority to limit the number of daily asylum seekers at various points of entry. Under the new rules, the Administration will be able to ban migrants who come across the border illegally from seeking asylum.

  Meidas News
In case you wonder why Biden is making an executive order on this, it's because the Republicans blocked any Congressional action. Why? Because Trump told them to so he can use the border as a campaign issue.
Border Patrol has dealt with over 3,000 daily entries from migrants seeking asylum. CNN reported that the Administration's goal is to reduce that number to approximately 1,500 daily asylum claims.


In today's release, the Administration made clear that Congress must still act to give the federal government the power and tools needed to fully address border security concerns, and that Congress has failed, despite previously having a bipartisan deal on the table.
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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