Thursday, June 13, 2024

Unsurprising, disgusting, and frankly, insane Trump remarks

Donald Trump on Thursday called Milwaukee — where in a little over a month he will be declared the Republican nominee for president — a "horrible city."

Trump made the comment to House Republicans in a morning meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss campaign strategies, among other GOP priorities, ahead of the 2024 election.


"He never said it like how it’s been falsely characterized as," Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in a post on X. Cheung said the former president was talking about crime and election issues.

  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
How does that make it any better?

I'm beginning to think Republicans like to be abused.  Trump is the quintessential abusive husband to the GOP's abused wife.  
There's no evidence to support that Wisconsin's election was tainted by cheating or fraud in 2020. The results have been confirmed by recounts in Dane and Milwaukee counties that Trump paid for, court rulings, a nonpartisan state audit and a study by the conservative legal firm Wisconsin Institute of Law & Liberty, among other analyses.

Trump lost the state to Biden.


Republican U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil, who represents the state's 1st Congressional District, said: "I was in the room. President Trump did not say this. There is no better place than Wisconsin in July."

Steil later said Trump was "was talking about specific issues in" Milwaukee in the context of "a broad conversation about the challenges we face as a country, in particular the challenges that we've seen in Milwaukee."
So...he didn't say it, but when he DID say it, he was talking about something specific?  Got it.
Trump has repeatedly falsely claimed he won Wisconsin in 2020 and has at times blamed Milwaukee's election officials for the election outcome, baselessly claiming absentee voting in the state's largest city was rife with fraud.

U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden, a freshman Republican who represents Wisconsin's 3rd Congressional District in western Wisconsin, blasted Punchbowl's reporting, however, saying in a post on the social media platform X that the former president was "specifically referring to the CRIME RATE in Milwaukee."
Again, how does that make it any better?
"Once he's settled in with his parole officer, I am certain he will discover that Milwaukee is a wonderful, vibrant and welcoming city full of diverse neighborhoods and a thriving business community," U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, a Democrat who represents Milwaukee in Congress, said in a post on X.In response to Trump's description of Milwaukee, Mayor Cavalier Johnson said, "Donald Trump was talking about things that he thinks are horrible. All of us lived through his presidency, so right back at you, buddy."

UPDATE 04:23 pm:

I think we all know who the whacko is.

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