Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Leaky Alito

One of the things the stealth journalist Lauren Windsor elicitedelicited from Sam Alito at the Supreme Court Historical Society was about the Dobbs leak:
The Supreme Court issued a highly controversial opinion in June of 2022, that referred the topic of abortion to individual states and overturned the historic ruling in Roe v. Wade. A draft of the opinion was leaked to Politico prior to the ruling, prompting an investigation by the court’s marshal, Gail Curley. But the culprit responsible for the leak was never identified.

Alito told liberal activist and documentary filmmaker Lauren Windsor at a Supreme Court Historical Society event in June 2023 that the court was limited in its power to investigate the leak, and that even the marshal was limited.


“It’s hard,” Alito told Windsor, who posed as a pro-life conservative. “You know, you can’t name somebody unless you know for sure, and we don’t have the power to do the things that would be necessary to try to figure out, nail down exactly [who did it]. And even then we might not be able to do it. We don’t have the power to subpoena people to testify, to subpoena records, phone records or other things like that. We don’t have that authority.

“We’re not a law enforcement agency, you know.”

  Just the News
While people on the right blamed leftists, people on the left blamed right-wing culprits - specifically, Alito. Ever wonder why they might have thought that?
In 2022, [anti-abortion activist turned whistleblower Rev. Rob] Schenk wrote a letter to Chief Justice Roberts informing him that Justice Alito told Schenk the outcome of the infamous Hobby Lobby case before the ruling was announced. In turn, Schenk tipped off the president of Hobby Lobby.

  The Left Hook

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