Monday, June 17, 2024

Fodder for MAGA

On Saturday, Trump hosted a roundtable discussion at the 180 Church, a Black church on the outskirts of downtown Detroit. Flanked by "Black Americans for Trump" signs, the former president vowed to return "some Sunday" to attend a sermon and claimed, "We have done more for the Black population than any president since Abraham Lincoln."

"Some sunday"? Not even "two weeks"? You know he's never going back for a sermon.

And..."black church"?  It was.  But have a look at the audience...

How do you suppose all those white people came to the church that day?

News sources picked up the story and ran with it as though it was an honest campaign stop.

All of a piece with  him being filmed waving to no one and saluting everything.  Total bullshit all the time.

But it doesn't look like mainstream media is "calling him out."

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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