Sunday, June 16, 2024

It's Sunday

Donald Trump was largely missing from the annual gathering of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest and most politically powerful Protestant denomination. This was no MAGA fest: There were no MAGA caps or Trump signs in sight, and mentions of the likely Republican nominee were scarce. When he spoke Monday [via streaming technology] to a room of a hundred people, only a handful pulled out their smartphones to record.


Albert Mohler, a prominent evangelical theologian and president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, told Nightly that Trump hasn’t been clear enough on his abortion stance.


Trump did not mention the word “abortion” at all in his brief, pre-taped video address, instead hewing close to his brand of partisan grievance politics.

“You just can’t vote Democrat. They’re against religion. They’re against your religion in particular,” he said, though Democrats like Carter, Bill Clinton and even Al Gore at one point all considered themselves Baptist. Trump only received a polite smattering of applause for his remarks.


“I think President Trump needs to say that he is as pro-life as he was in 2016 and that he will defend the unborn and work with the pro-life movement to help affect a meaningful defense of unborn life and of life at every stage. I think he must make that clear.”

He will if and when he needs to, for the votes.
The biggest star of the convention was — surprise — former Vice President Mike Pence, who has been attacked by Trump after rejecting the then-president’s pressure to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election. [...] He won three standing ovations, and stood in a reception line for almost half an hour after speaking, signing autographs and posing for selfies.
Don't anybody tell Trump.
Even former presidential candidate and current Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis received more namechecks from the stage and in the hallways than Trump, mostly because of his firm positions in the culture wars and particularly on abortion.
And while we're on the subject of the Southern Baptists...

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