Thursday, November 26, 2020

Good luck, El Paso

And all other cities trying to get paid by the Trump campaign.  You'll at least have to wait until he soaks all he can from his dupes who think they're buying an election.
City officials in El Paso, Texas, this week said they would be hiring legal counsel in their fight to obtain more than half a million dollars owed by President Trump’s reelection campaign from a rally held in the city in February 2019.

According to local NBC affiliate station KTSM, the El Paso City Council voted unanimously on Monday to hire the law office of Snapper L. Carr to represent them in an effort to get paid nearly $570,000 in total charges incurred by the Trump campaign.

The campaign initially owed about $470,000 in connection with the February event, mainly from services provided by the city’s police force and fire department during his visit.

However, the city has since added more than $98,000 in late fees to the bill.


The local outlet reported that city Rep. Peter Svarzbein said during a council meeting Tuesday that obtaining the money owed is essential to maintaining the city’s budget, especially as the area, like much of the country, faces a rapid surge in coronavirus infections.


In April of this year, El Paso Mayor Dee Margo (R) suggested that the city could sue the campaign for failure to pay the event fees.

However, Nieman said Tuesday that as of now, the city does not plan on suing the campaign, saying that officials would instead be “using various methods to attempt to collect the debt owed to the city of El Paso.”

  The Hill
Like what?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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