Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The most incompetent administration ever

Have you heard this one?

Yesterday General Wm H Seely wrote a letter to the Iraq Ministry of Defense stating that US troops would be pulling out "in defefence to the sovereignty of the Republic of Iraq."  Here's a leaked copy of the letter:

A draft letter on official letterhead with seal.

But wait...that's not all...

Iraq’s premier Adel Abdel Mahdi confirmed Tuesday that he had received what the US said was a draft letter describing steps its military would take to “move out” of Iraq.

The Pentagon had said an unsigned draft version of the letter had been mistakenly sent, but the Iraqi premier disputed that claim.


AFP received a copy of the letter late Monday and verified its authenticity with both US and Iraqi officials.


In a cabinet meeting televised on Tuesday evening, Abdel Mahdi said he had received signed and translated copies at 8:00pm local time (1700 GMT) Monday.


The Iraqi prime minister said preliminary versions received in Arabic and English included a translation mistake, so his office requested a correction from the US military and new versions were duly sent.

“It was an official letter written in such a manner,” Abdel Mahdi told ministers.

“It’s not a piece of paper that fell off the printer or reached us by coincidence,” he said.

  France 24
And it was sent twice. Hard to think that was a draft.

General Seely's next letter will be his resignation.

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