Friday, January 31, 2020

Mike Pence showing his ignorance

Or both.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

Davidson told Vox that block-granting Medicaid has been part of mainstream Republican thinking about health care for decades, so he doesn’t buy that Pence was as ignorant about his administration’s new plan as he seemed to be. (The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.)

“I think he was not expecting to be pressed on that, and didn’t have his talking points prepared, so he retreated back to his safe space,” Davidson said. “I believe he understands exactly what his administration is doing.”

“‘Innovation,’ ‘flexibility’ — that’s all code for cutting spending and putting more in the laps of people who can’t afford it,” Davidson said. “This would further reduce that funding.”

Asked what he hopes people take away from the video — which has been shared more than 20,000 times on Twitter and has nearly 1.5 million views as this is published — Davidson said he hopes it raises awareness about his work with the Committee to Protect Medicare and encourages doctors to feel comfortable in the policy space.

I wonder how many doctors even know what's going on. They have billing departments.
“We all have the ability to stand up to any level of folks who are coming along and proposing policies that hurt our patients,” Davidson said. “I think it’s time now for doctors to step out of the exam room and get out into the public space and advocate in a bigger way, and I hope that health care providers who see this want to join with us or in some way on their own become advocates for health care.”

“Patients have a hard enough time scrounging to get coverage,” Davidson added. “If we won’t stand up for them, I’m not sure who will.”

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