Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Republican leaders said they don’t currently have enough votes to block witnesses in President Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, after his legal team concluded its efforts to counter Democrats’ charges that the president abused power and obstructed Congress.

That could be a proble for them. How will they weasel out of it?
McConnell reportedly made the comment in a private meeting with Republican senators. There has been a new push to hear testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton in recent days, following a New York Times report Sunday that said his upcoming book details how Trump told him security aid to Ukraine should be blocked until Ukrainian officials agreed to investigate Democrats, including the Bidens.

  Market Watch
Somebody is going to be unable to sleep tonight. Maybe he'll break his daily tweet record.


Maybe Bolton's attorneys should attend as well.  Better yet, Bolton.

UPDATE 1/29:  Parnas himself is there, but can't go into the gallery because of his ankle monitor. No electronics are allowed in the Senate chamber during the trial. 

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