Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Which is worse?

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said Tuesday morning that it would be “suicide” for President Donald Trump to fire special counsel Robert Mueller.


“I think it would be suicide for the President to fire him,” Grassley said in a brief interview clip aired on CNN. “I think the less the President says about this whole thing, the better off he will be. And I think that Mueller is a person of stature and respected and I respect him. Just let the thing go forward.”

Grassley made the same comment, nearly word for word, to Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo a couple hours earlier.

He might not fire Mueller, but he can sure start a war with Iran and drop some more bombs on Syria.  I'd rather he fire Mueller.
Democrats, he said, would “have a good issue in this upcoming election” if Trump fired Mueller.


Grassley added, perhaps in an attempt to communicate directly with the President, that Mueller “would appreciate being fired so he would have an excuse for getting out of [the probe],” which Grassley said “looks like a dead end,” in terms of evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.


"If I live anywhere near a Syrian airport, I'm hitting the shelters immediately." -- Charles P Pierce

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