Monday, November 20, 2017

Tip of the iceberg

Tony Perkins, the most powerful religious right figure in Washington, helped hide from other conservatives, as well as the public, that junior Republican politician Wesley Goodman, despite his façade as a Bible-believing family man, was an adulterous gay groper [of a teen boy]. Why?

On his now-removed campaign website, Wes Goodman wrote, “Healthy, vibrant, thriving, values-driven families are the source of Ohio’s proud history and the key to Ohio’s future greatness. The ideals of father and mother, a committed natural marriage, and a caring community are well worth pursuing and protecting.”

Perkins owes a lot of people an explanation. Are there any other elected Republican officials he and other top conservatives who knew but concealed the truth about Goodman, are covering up for?

  The American Conservative
Of course there are others. There is as much a scandalous story about US Congressmen as there was about Catholic priests, but there isn't anyone covering it. Well, I suppose somebody could be investigating even now, but I won't be holding my breath. Where's the Boston Globe?
Another conservative with Ohio ties told that Goodman engaged in predatory behavior toward younger men after leaving Jordan’s office, sending inappropriate material and propositioning them via text message and Facebook messenger.

The conservative operative said he’d target college kids who wanted to have him as a mentor and were scared to report his sexual advances because they didn’t want to damage their own careers.


“People never really wanted to come forward against someone in power,” the operative added.

What about those Republicans and conservative activists like Perkins who knew the truth about Goodman, and who could not be hurt by him?


Goodman has resigned his state office, and he’s done for in politics. But there’s more to this story that needs to come out. How complicit was Religious Conservatism, Inc., in this debacle — and why?


Was Tony Perkins’s decision to stay silent as Wes Goodman’s political star rose in any way related to a desire to have a reliably conservative vote in the Ohio statehouse, even though he knew the man was a groper?
[Trump spokesperson Kellyanne] Conway was interviewed by Fox News on Monday morning, and was discussing tax reform when she began hammering Doug Jones, the Democrat in the Alabama Senate race.

"Doug Jones in Alabama, folks, don't be fooled. He will be a vote against tax cuts. He is weak on crime. Weak on borders. He is strong on raising your taxes. He is terrible for property owners."

The "Fox & Friends" hosts seemed surprised by Conway's remarks, and host Brian Kilmeade cut in, "So vote Roy Moore?"

"I'm telling you that we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill through."

Family Values: Former Oklahoma state Senator Ralph Shortey faces life in prison after pleading guilty to child sex trafficking.

After being caught in a hotel room with an underage boy, conservative Christian and former Oklahoma lawmaker Ralph Shortey has entered a plea of guilty to child sex trafficking charges in hopes of receiving a more lenient sentence.

Originally Shortey was charged in federal court with two counts of child pornography, production of child pornography and child sex trafficking. By pleading guilty to the child sex trafficking, prosecutors have agreed to drop the child pornography charges.


Shortey is married with four children.

Elected to the state senate in 2010, before being arrested Shortey was a prominent Christian conservative in Oklahoma politics, known for being a birther, and a Trump supporter. The former state senator represented Oklahoma City.

I'd guess it might be worth looking at all "Christian" conservative Congressmen.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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