Monday, November 20, 2017

There’s no question that Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from any involvement into any investigation into the Russian ratfcking of the 2016 election got up the president*’s nose and lodged there. Now, Mueller seems to have ramped up that portion of his investigation. If I were the president*, I might decide this is a good time to repair my relationship with my attorney general.

Of course, by all accounts, and in this as in any other matter, the president* is interested in hearing only that which he wants to hear. The Washington Post reported on a remarkable bit of business going on between the president* and Ty Cobb, the White House lawyer. The White House staff, it seems, is seeing subpoenas under every table lamp. Meanwhile, Cobb is blowing so much sunshine up the presidential* hindquarters that the president* could stand himself on the White House lawn rather than the Christmas tree this year.

  Charles P Pierce
I don't think Jeff Sessions has balls to speak of, but he definitely has shown a good deal of insolence.  I would very much be entertained by a showdown between him and the old gas bag Trump.  That would be fun.  Sessions would get Congressional backing by virtue of having spent many years in that slime pit.  So, he might just dig in his little heels.  I think there's no doubt he'd save his hide by turning on Old Lard Ass if it came down to that.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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