Saturday, November 11, 2017

If the press won't praise him...

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think it's been a great trip. In certain ways, it's been very epic. I think things have happened that have been really amazing. Prime Minister Abe came up to me just at the end, and he said that since you left South Korea and Japan, that those two countries are now getting along much, much better. That's from Prime Minister Abe -- that there's been a real bonding between South Korea and Japan. So that was great.

And we had a time in China. You were there. Were most of you there? Jennifer?

Q: We all were, sir.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: They say in the history of people coming to China, there's been nothing like that. And I believe it.


The opera was great too, but the following night -- that was the first time that theater has been used at the Forbidden City in over a hundred years. You know that. They prepared the theater for that -- the first time in over a hundred years.

No, it was an amazing -- we have an amazing feeling toward each other. And he's for China; I'm for USA. You know, it's one of those things. But we have a great feeling.

So it's been really very incredible. And then today was excellent. Today was a different kind of a thing. It's a conference.

And then tonight they're having a state dinner in Hanoi. And we then go to the Philippines, which was a rough trip the last time. That was a rough presidential trip, but this won't be. And we're staying the extra day because they have the two conferences; they have first day and they have the second day. And the second day, a lot of people say is very important. And I said, you know what, if I'm there, I should do it.

  Air Force 1 Press Pool Transcript
Dear God.

You must read the whole nightmarish thing.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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