Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Texas isn't waiting for Project 2025 to be formalized

The New York Times reported that [87-year-old] Lidia Martinez, a retired educator who lives in San Antonio, was shocked last week when officers came to her house at 6 a.m. and informed her that they were searching her residence because she had filed a complaint about residents in her area getting their mail-in ballots.

Martinez says she's spent decades volunteering with the League of United Latin American Citizens to help seniors in the Latino community register themselves to vote.

"“I go to a lot of senior events; I explain to them what they have to do,” she told the Times. “I’ve been involved in politics all of my life.”

The officers at her house asked to see the voter registration cards that she had collected. After informing them that she didn't have them at her house, they proceeded to search the property and left with her laptop, her phone and some documents.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton defended the raid as part of an election integrity investigation.

  Raw Story
...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

UPDATE 09:58 am:

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