Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Project 2025: NOAA

We’ll keep our attention on Project 2025. It’s so important that it’s one of the few times Trump has backed down. For a man who usually doubles down and keeps going, no matter how unpopular (family separation at the border), crazy (insisting he never had sex with Stormy Daniels), or dangerous (aligning with strongmen like Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Viktor Orbán) his takes are, Trump’s reversal on Project 2025 is remarkable. As Americans learned more about it, the crescendo of anti-Trump sentiment over it led Trump to try to distance himself.

We’ve discussed Trump’s strong ties to the Heritage Foundation and the Project previously. A hidden camera recording made by British journalists that was released this week has one of the Project’s co-authors, Russell Vought, bragging that the group was secretly drafting “the groundwork for rapid action on Trump’s plans if he wins, describing his work as creating ‘shadow’ agencies.

  Joyce Vance
This article discusses Trump's plans for the weather service.

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