Saturday, February 29, 2020

They eat their own

Garth Brooks wore a Barry Sanders jersey to a recent concert in Detroit, leading to some of his online followers mistakenly believing the country music icon was showing support for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Barry Sanders is a former NFL running back for the Detroit Lions who is now in the NFL Hall of Fame.


The reaction to Brooks wearing a Sanders jersey prompted outrage on Instagram and Facebook, most of which seemingly coming from supporters of President Trump.

"Can’t you just do what you get paid to do ???? Why why why does it have to involve politics !!! So sad. We don’t pay good money for anything other than to watch you perform. Thought you were different," one wrote.

“G is a Democrat socialist!” wrote another person.

“If this is for Bernie Sanders, I’m done with you. I thought you were a true American that loves Our Country?” wrote another.

“Weird. That a millionaire would like a socialist. Hey Garth are you going to distribute your millions?” asked another.

  The Hill

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