Friday, February 28, 2020

Don't speak ill of Dear Leader

Emails obtained by NBC News showed Veronica Blette, head of the [EPA's] WaterSense program, forwarding tweets highlighting remarks that Trump made to reporters at the White House complaining about the number of times toilets at the White House needed to be flushed, adding commentary to her coworkers such as "sigh" and "I can't even."

Other EPA officials at the WaterSense agency also reacted similarly, including one who wrote to a faucet company executive: "We don't like faucets that only put one drop of water on my hands — LOL — the only ones I think of that might actually just drip are for Barbie doll play houses!"

  The Hill
They'll be getting purged.

And WTF is NBC doing collecting their emails and doxing them? Is NBC Trump Stasi?

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