Saturday, February 22, 2020

John Whore Bolton should testify

President Trump has reportedly personally called for the publication of John Bolton's upcoming book to be blocked, telling staff he thinks his former national security adviser is "a traitor," according to The Washington Post.

  The Hill
Trump's definition of traitor is anyone who says something negative about him.
People familiar with the issue told the Post that Trump has directly been involved in the process and believes everything he said to Bolton about national security is considered classified and should not be published. The White House already sought to block publication of Bolton's book last month, writing in a letter that it contained "significant amounts of classified information." However, the letter also stated that the White House would work with Bolton to ensure his "ability to tell his story in a manner that protects U.S. national security."


Trump told his lawyers Bolton's new book "The Room Where it Happened," should not be published before the November election.
Hmmmm...why would that be?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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