Monday, February 24, 2020

Give a woman an education, and what does she do with it?

Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green has become the first doctor to successfully cure cancer in mice using laser-activated nanoparticles, revealed reports but the unique thing about this treatment technology, which was found to successfully cure cancer after testing on mice within 15 days, is that it doesn't require chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. The doctor has now received a $1.1 million grant from the US Department of Veterans Affairs to expand the nanoparticle cancer treatment research.


Currently, the doctor is running Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation, a non-profit founded in memory of her aunt. She is continuing her research on defeating cancer by using laser-activated nanoparticles. As per the reports, Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green's main agenda is to make cancer treatment accessible, affordable and effective.

  IB Times

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