Sunday, September 1, 2019

WWII declared: 80th anniversary

And this is the way to "celebrate":
The German president vowed his country would never forget the atrocities of the Nazi period on Sunday as he asked forgiveness from Poland during a series of commemorative events to mark the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the second world war.

“In no other square in Europe do I find it more difficult to speak, and to address you in my native language of German ... I ask for forgiveness for Germany’s historical guilt and I recognise our enduring responsibility,” Frank-Walter Steinmeier said at a ceremony in PiƂsudski Square in Warsaw.

Steinmeier and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, joined a number of heads of state at the ceremony.

  The Guardian
And, here's how not to...
“It is hard to imagine that cataclysm of history today, the armed conflict which brought the most disastrous consequences in the history of mankind. We have to remember, and therefore we are gathered here today,” the Polish president, Andrzej Duda, said at the Warsaw ceremony.

Poland’s nationalist government had hoped that the US president, Donald Trump, would be the guest of honour, but he cancelled at the last minute and sent his vice-president, Mike Pence, in his place.


Pence used his speech to talk as much about Soviet atrocities as Nazi crimes, paying tribute to Polish bravery and quoting the Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The main problem of the 20th century was that men had forgotten God, he said.
Yes, that's the answer for everything.

Surely you can understand why Trump didn't go himself. After all, a categroy 5 hurricane is barrelling down on our southeastern states. He'll be working round the clock with a team to monitor and prepare.
Donald Trump – who cancelled on his Polish hosts at the last-minute last week, citing concerns over a hurricane barrelling towards Florida – was due to spend the day at his golf club in Virginia.


Yesterday it emerged that Trump, who had given the impression he would spend the day at Camp David with experts to monitor Dorian’s progress, had in fact flown by helicopter from Camp David to his Virginia golf club.

  The Guardian
Shortly after Trump cancelled, [German chancellor Angela] Merkel made a last-minute announcement that she would attend.

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