Thursday, February 21, 2019

Speaking of sealed indictments

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That's great, but it's not really the indictment I was looking for.  And it's not for Trump-related shit.  It's for a money laundering case United States v. Prevezon Holdings.  And she may be in Russia anyway.
The case stems from legal work Veselnitskaya was doing for Prevezon Holdings. Prosecutors allege the company received and laundered millions of dollars of proceeds as part of a complex Russian tax refund scheme that defrauded Russian taxpayers out of more than $200 million. The U.S. government was seeking to recover millions of dollars' worth of property, much of it tied up in New York real estate, on the ground that it was connected to the scheme.

The 19-page indictment against Veselnitskaya alleges that while representing Prevezon, she submitted "false and deceptive declarations" to a federal judge in New York City.


[P]rosecutors allege that she helped draft the supposed independent findings "in secret cooperation with a senior Russian prosecutor."

It is interesting that suddenly we are made aware of Russians infiltrating our country in big and criminal ways.

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